Music and Science: A Guide to Empirical Research

This repository contains the electronic materials for Routledge book titled Music and Science: A Guide to Empirical Research by Tuomas Eerola, at Durham University and Music and Science Lab. The book was published in November 2024 (see publisher page).

The materials are Quarto notebooks with code examples in R or Python. The notebooks can be used in four ways:

  1. Explore the code and data directly in R or in Python in your local machine.
  2. Use the Jupyter notebooks locally in a server.
  3. Run the notebooks through Google Colab in a browser (it is free and does not require any additional software).
  4. Study this website to learn how to replicate the computational and statistical aspects mentioned in the book.

See technical notes about the notebooks and package versions.

The public-facing version of this repository is at See citation for the bibliographic details of the book.

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Website (preferred link) Jupyter Colab Language
Chapter 1: Introduction
  Ch. 1 - Notebook basics Chapter1.ipynb Colab R
Chapter 2: History
  Ch. 2 Examples
Chapter 3: Contemporary Empirical Music Research
  Ch. 3 - Historic profiles Chapter3.ipynb Colab R
Chapter 4: Methods and Research Designs
  Ch. 4 - Correlations Chapter4.ipynb Colab R
Chapter 5: Sources of Information
Chapter 6: Data Organisation and Summaries
  Ch. 6 - Using R Chapter6.1.ipynb Colab R
  Ch. 6 - Data organisation Chapter6.2.ipynb Colab R
  Ch. 6 - Diagnostics Chapter6.3.ipynb Colab R
  Ch. 6 - Outliers Chapter6.4.ipynb Colab R
Chapter 7: Statistical Analysis
  Ch. 7 - Inferential statistics Chapter7.ipynb Colab R
Chapter 8: Reporting
Chapter 9: Analysis of Scores and Performances
  Ch. 9 - Music analysis Chapter9.1.ipynb Colab Python
  Ch. 9 - Event counts Chapter9.2.ipynb Colab Python
  Ch. 9 - Key-Finding Chapter9.3.ipynb Colab Python
  Ch. 9 - Expressive timing Chapter9.4.ipynb Colab R
  Ch. 9 - Synchronisation Chapter9.5.ipynb Colab R
Chapter 10: Analysis of Audio
  Ch. 10 - Basics (sines) Chapter10.1.ipynb Colab Python
  Ch. 10 - Spectrum and envelope Chapter10.2.ipynb Colab Python
  Ch. 10 - Physical Chapter10.3.ipynb Colab Python
  Ch. 10 - Perceptual Chapter10.4.ipynb Colab Python
  Ch. 10 - Semantic Chapter10.5.ipynb Colab Python
Chapter 11: Corpus Studies
  Ch. 11 - Genre Classification Chapter11.2.ipynb Colab Python
  Ch. 11 - Synchrony Chapter11.3.qmd Colab R
Chapter 12: Summary and Future Directions
  Citation Markdown
  Technical Markdown
  Links Markdown
  Playlists Markdown
  Version (R) Version_R.ipynb Colab R
  Version (Python) Version_Python.ipynb Colab Python
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