Ch. 9 – Key-finding

Install music21 and other elements needed to run the environment Press play and wait for all commands to be executed - this initial command might take some time as it needs to build the music21 environment.


Key-finding algorithm applied to an example excerpt (bach/bwv30.6).

import sys
from music21 import *                     # activate library
import pandas as pd
bwv30_6 = corpus.parse('bach/bwv30.6.xml')# 30.6
bwv30_6_3meas = bwv30_6.measures(1,4) # First 3 measures

KK = analysis.discrete.KrumhanslKessler() # Key profile
wa = analysis.windowed.WindowedAnalysis(bwv30_6_3meas, KK)
a,b = wa.analyze(2, windowType='overlap')

keyclar=[]; mode=[]; key=[]
for x in range(len(a)):
A major
   key   mode         r
0    E  major  0.881687
1    E  major  0.892883
2    A  major  0.588537
3    B  major  0.833787
4    E  major  0.972757
5    E  major  0.901069
6   F#  minor  0.717810
7    E  major  0.847699
8    E  major  0.882310
9    E  major  0.807233
10  F#  minor  0.746200
11   B  major  0.694972
12   B  minor  0.684539
13   B  minor  0.696579
14   E  major  0.813827


Analysis of tonal tension using the model by Herremans and Chew (2016), implemented in partitura library for Python.

import partitura
import numpy as np
part = partitura.load_musicxml('data/bwv306.musicxml')
tonal_tension = partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_tonaltension(part, ss='onset')
x = getattr(tonal_tension['onset_beat'][0:50], "tolist", lambda: value)()
y = tonal_tension['cloud_momentum'][0:50]

d = {'beat': x,'tension': y}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
    beat   tension
0    0.0  0.000000
1    1.0  0.132809
2    2.0  0.132809
3    2.5  0.031124
4    3.0  0.192431
5    3.5  0.046758
6    4.0  0.142699
7    4.5  0.055152
8    5.0  0.082517
9    5.5  0.072674
10   6.0  0.088245
11   7.0  0.158890
12   7.5  0.023576
13   8.0  0.135350
14  10.0  0.126068
15  11.0  0.111489
16  11.5  0.031124
17  12.0  0.092913
18  12.5  0.036120
19  13.0  0.125584
20  13.5  0.073635
21  14.0  0.168273
22  14.5  0.114459
23  15.0  0.116256
24  15.5  0.080099
25  16.0  0.061819
26  20.0  0.032064
27  21.0  0.111489
28  21.5  0.031124
29  22.0  0.043444
30  22.5  0.109472
31  23.0  0.086467
32  23.5  0.080719
33  24.0  0.218836
34  24.5  0.064623
35  25.0  0.236635
36  25.5  0.092383
37  26.0  0.236347
38  28.0  0.177259
39  28.5  0.046247
40  29.0  0.034470
41  29.5  0.052403
42  30.0  0.097112
43  30.5  0.051889
44  31.0  0.131294
45  31.5  0.046758
46  32.0  0.127003
47  32.5  0.059613
48  33.0  0.085597
49  33.5  0.075891
/Users/tuomaseerola/miniconda3/envs/relative_mode/lib/python3.9/site-packages/partitura/io/ UserWarning: Found repeat without start
Starting point 0 is assumed


  • Herremans, D., & Chew, E. (2016). Tension ribbons: Quantifying and visualising tonal tension. Second International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation. TENOR, 2.
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