Summary Slides (A short summary)
R_template in action (A worked out example with complex and unlabelled data.)
This repository contains R template for analysing data from experiments and surveys and justification to follow certain conventions and structure. This document is available in raw form at and as a rendered html at
This repository and the documents are not a quick R tutorial nor statistics tutorial but simply a way to explain to PG students and collaborators of how clear analyses schemes can be created, followed, and shared.
The best guide for all things reproducible is provided by Reproducibility in Science.
Here I have chosen R (and RStudio as the smooth and handy front-end) to be the chosen tool for reproducible analyses, although of course any statistical software could also be used. However, there are several good arguments to support R as a good choice. And I have long personal experience of SPSS and Matlab, both powerful but hampered by various design issues, but R has several advantages over these:
R is the most accessible software. R is free, open source, available for all operating systems. Matlab is great for certain type of work, but expensive, fussy about the operating systems, not to mention SPSS in these issues. Often the problem is not the price, universities can afford to have the licenses, but the skills learned through the software need to be used often in a different environment that might not have the same resources (arts organisation, startup company, etc.).
R is completely programming driven (thus fully transparent). Matlab is equaly so, but since it is essentially a MATrix LABoratory, it is very good for numerical analyses, but R is a little more versatile for strings and data structures more commonly used in statistics. SPSS also has the syntax option, but it is much more cryptic and unwieldy than R and Matlab. Clear syntax driven operation makes the analyses easily human readable, which is important for collaborations.
R has excellent coverage of statistical modelling tools. Thousands of R packages exist for any state-of-the-art statistical technique (bayesian, structural equation modelling, rare regression analytics, all machine-learning algorithms with effective implementations, and many more).
R is rational and even pedagogical in many of its
functionalities (it warns about calculating means for categorical
variables, is much more explicit about the outputs, and data.frames,
etc.) and allows to produce really easily understandable code with some
extra libraries (tidyr
R has excellent support for producing reports in R Markdown or even for creating interactive websites using Shiny.
I have prepared an analysis template, which contains examples of the whole process of data analysis; from loading to preprocessing data and analysing and reporting the results. I suggest a certain folder structure to keep the different parts of the processes tightly in different folders. I have been influenced by existing templates1 and style guides2, but it is basically the cleaned up version of the structures that I have for each project.
A project should have a dedicated folder with a descriptive name it.
Within the folder, there is a master file called the
which contains a brief summary of the project,
owner, status, and the necessary commands to load the data, pre-process
it, analyse, and produce figures and tables. For clarity, it is good
idea to keep things organised in particular special subfolders.
Once you have the template including the data and folder structure as well as R installed (or RStudio), it should be straightforward to proceed to using the template. A copy of the template can be found at
For a run-through of the data using the template, see R_template in action.
The following example loads one dataset from Annaliese Micallef-Grimaud’s study about perceived emotions in music. This was a experiment where 119 participants rated a small number of music examples using different emotion scales (Anger, Calmness, Fear, Joy, Power, Sadness, and Surprise). The ratings were done using likert scale of 1 to 5 (1=minimal and 5=maximal) and the music excerpts were composed to portray different emotions (angry, calm, scary, joyful, power, sad, surprising). The data was collected via Qualtrics and there is quite a lot of tidying up to do before this data can be analysed. The typical research questions would revolve around whether the tracks representing different emotions are differently in terms of the emotions and there are variants of the pieces from the past experiments that have either been created by the Annaliese (Exp. 1) or modified by participants in production study (Exp. 2), so another question is whether the two sources for the same piece differ in terms of their ratings. This is a validation part of the study that we have submitted to a journal together with some other data from production experiments (where people adjust the musical cues to produce different emotional expressions of the same pieces). We hope to get an actual reference for this data in near future.
You can grab the whole template (folder structures, R scripts, and Report.Rmd notebook and the data) from
Start R and open up the contents.R
file using your
preferred editor. Check that the directory after the first command
is pointing the location of your analysis directory
and run the first lines of the code:
rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # Cleans the R memory, just in case
source('scr/load_libraries.R') # Loads the necessary R libraries
If you get errors at this stage with new installation of R, they
might refer to the special libraries that were loaded or installed in
. This script should install the required
libraries for you such as ggplot2
, but there might be
issues with your particular setup.
Next, it is time to load the data with a scripts, the first one
is simply reading an TSV file exported
from Qualtrics stored in data folder. I’ve taken the second, descriptive
header row out of the data to simply the process, but different datasets
will have slightly different structures.
## READ data
source('scr/read_data_survey.R') # Produces data frame v
## N x Variables:119 131
This should retrieve a data frame into a variable called
in R, which contains a complex data frame. In
the next step this raw data will be munged, that is, pre-processed in
several ways. Pre-processing can have multiple steps, here these have
broken into two:
First operation carries out a long list of renaming the variables
(columns in the data, rename_variables.R
). This can be
avoided if the data has these names already, and it is quite useful to
try to embed meaningful variables names to the data collection
(experiment or survey or manual coding).
Recoding instruments (recode_instruments.R
) has
several steps and it might be useful to study the steps separately.
Finally the responses are reshaped into a form called long-form that is
better suited for the analyses. This dataframe will be called
## MUNGE data (preprocess, recode, etc.)
source('munge/rename_variables.R') # Renames the columns of the v
source('munge/recode_instruments.R') # Produces df (long-form) from v
After the munging, it is prudent to check various aspects of the data.
Descriptives such as the N, age, gender are echoed in order to
remind us of the dataset properties
We can also explore the consistency of the ratings across the
people to check whether people agreed on the ratings and generally
understood the task (interrater_reliability.R
We also want to look at the distributions of the collected data
in order to learn whether one needs to use certain operations
(transformations or resort to non-parametric statistics) in the
subsequent analyses (visualise.R
). This step will also
include displaying correlations between the emotion scales which is a
useful operation to learn about the overlap of the concepts used in the
source('scr/demographics_info.R') # Reports N, Age and other details
## [1] "N = 91"
## [1] "Mean age 34.99"
## [1] "SD age 15.86"
## [1] "Youngest 18 years"
## [1] "Oldest 71 years"
## Male Female Other
## 23 67 1
## NonMusician Music-Loving NonMusician Amateur
## 13 44 15
## Serious Amateur Musician Semi-Pro Pro
## 11 6 2
## Nonmusician Musician
## 57 34
source('scr/interrater_reliability.R')# Quality checks, consistency check
## [1] "Fastest response 7.17 mins"
## [1] "Slowest response 8291.48 mins"
## [1] "Median response 14.9 mins"
## Table: Inter-reliability ratings (Cronbach alphas)
## |-------:|--------:|-----:|-----:|----:|-----:|--------:|
## | 0.995| 0.994| 0.995| 0.99| 0.99| 0.962| 0.978|
source('scr/visualise.R') # Visualise few aspects of the data
If everything seems to be fine, it is time to proceed into the actual analysis.
Finally we get to test the planned hypotheses of the experiment. Here we simply test whether the emotion ratings different between the sources and emotions. We do this by applying a Linear Mixed Model, which is a fancy name for a versatile within-subject anova in this case, where we have one random factor (participants) and we test the manipulated factors (Source, Track) and perhaps some non-manipulated group-level descriptors (e.g., Gender and Musical Expertise) have an effect on ratings of specific emotions expressed by the tracks.
source('scr/compare_means.R') # Compare Sources & Tracks for one emotion
Estimate | Std. Error | df | t value | Pr(>|t|) | |
(Intercept) | 2.784 | 0.295 | 460.816 | 9.430 | 0.000 |
as.numeric(Track) | -0.230 | 0.051 | 1180.000 | -4.474 | 0.000 |
as.numeric(Source) | 0.042 | 0.145 | 1180.000 | 0.292 | 0.771 |
as.numeric(MusicalExpertiseBinary) | 0.096 | 0.078 | 88.000 | 1.232 | 0.221 |
as.numeric(Gender) | 0.039 | 0.083 | 88.000 | 0.472 | 0.638 |
as.numeric(Track):as.numeric(Source) | -0.033 | 0.033 | 1180.000 | -1.002 | 0.317 |
Table 1 is a raw summary of the LMM analysis, suggesting that there is one main effect (Track) whereas the other factor do not really contribute to the differences. Only one interaction was tested (Track and Source) You would normally report this in text, but that’s a different topic (statistics and reporting). Table 2 is related to Table 1 as it shows the confidence intervals of the beta coefficients (model estimates).
One can also produce tables in the same way using a simple script. Here’s an example of the sadness ratings across the key variables, showing the N, mean, SD, SE (Standard errors), and lower (LCI) and upper boundaries (UCI) of the 95% confidence intervals.
source('scr/table1.R') # create Table 1 for manuscript
Track | Source | n | m | sd | se | LCI | UCI |
Sadness | Exp1 | 91 | 4.47 | 0.79 | 0.08 | 4.31 | 4.64 |
Sadness | Exp2 | 91 | 4.14 | 1.04 | 0.11 | 3.93 | 4.36 |
Joy | Exp1 | 91 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Joy | Exp2 | 91 | 1.01 | 0.10 | 0.01 | 0.99 | 1.03 |
Calmness | Exp1 | 91 | 2.11 | 1.00 | 0.11 | 1.90 | 2.32 |
Calmness | Exp2 | 91 | 1.93 | 1.00 | 0.10 | 1.73 | 2.14 |
Anger | Exp1 | 91 | 1.56 | 0.76 | 0.08 | 1.40 | 1.72 |
Anger | Exp2 | 91 | 1.53 | 0.77 | 0.08 | 1.37 | 1.68 |
Fear | Exp1 | 91 | 1.36 | 0.66 | 0.07 | 1.23 | 1.50 |
Fear | Exp2 | 91 | 2.16 | 1.08 | 0.11 | 1.94 | 2.39 |
Power | Exp1 | 91 | 1.18 | 0.41 | 0.04 | 1.09 | 1.26 |
Power | Exp2 | 91 | 1.36 | 0.68 | 0.07 | 1.22 | 1.50 |
Surprise | Exp1 | 91 | 2.15 | 1.03 | 0.11 | 1.94 | 2.37 |
Surprise | Exp2 | 91 | 1.08 | 0.31 | 0.03 | 1.01 | 1.14 |
source('scr/figure1.R') # create Figure 1 for manuscript
Ratings of Sadness across tracks and sources.
Happy exploring. The intention is carrying out the analysis this way is to get a clear sense of the process and deliver outputs of the analyses that are easy to bring to the manuscript, and which also should be transparent for the other readers (supervisors and collaborators, and other readers now that analysis routines can be routinely shared in Github and OSF, see
It is also possible to combine the reporting of the analysis and the
actual analysis to make the process even more transparent. An example of
this can be found in report.Rmd
, which basically runs the
steps in the example tempate in sequence within a particular syntax (R
md, using knitr
, and this also creates a pdf or htlm report
to the same folder (take a loot at the report.pdf
), which
can contain all sorts of written arguments, comments and so on.
It is actually possible to write the whole manuscript in
RStudio using RMarkdown, which handles citations
nicely with a build-in citation manager, and has an excellent APA
compatible reporting tool (papaja
library) that allows to
weave every detail from the data, analysis, statistics to manuscript.
Anyway, that’s for an advanced tutorial.
This document is available in GitHub: